Tuesday, December 29, 2015

new business card idea

It's weird that people trust doctors so much but for designers.... not so much. I wonder why. I guess everybody thinks they can design?

Maybe because there is no right or wrong in designing. But still, there's bad and good and better and best.

Also, patients are kind of at the mercy of doctors. (you're going to die if you don't do what they say). But designers are at the mercy of their clients.  (you're going to starve if they don't pay you ;)

drawing like children

Sometimes people ask if our drawings are done by children.

Children's drawings:
lines out of control
crazy colors
no sense of proportion
no planning so things fall off the page
coloring out of the lines
can't spell
random subject matter
try to copy grownups

It'd be crazy if we drew like children, and could still make a living selling our artwork.

Having said that, there is still something very intriguing about children's drawings!!
I think it is the fact that they can have so little control over their hands...their drawings are not polished. They have nothing to hide I guess.
I drew this cheetah with my 4 year old nephew. Kid-grownup collaboration

strange feeling

We just worked through the whole of our Christmas holiday! Last week we worked on fai chuns and a book.. drawing furiously every day late into the night (early into the morning). It was crazy!!!!

A few things were going on at the same time:

-drawing furiously
-stressed out by deadlines
-racking my brain for ideas
-crazy photoshopping
-warm fuzzy feeling of accomplishment
-having lots of ideas
-being in the zone
-secretly complimenting myself on my drawings

So the strange feeling that I am trying to describe is: working really hard but at the same time feeling like it is not really work. (?)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

We are 4!!

All Things Bright and Beautiful 四歲啦!4歲的一些想法:

1) 4 年中,有咩事件係最印象深刻?

Jo: 很多很澎拜的東西:見到印好的貨,一箱箱疊到好高,見到好澎拜的人在市集買我們的東西,見到電車上面有我們的畫,見到剛剛買完1000個信封,一下子又無晒。

Li: 有一次去幼稚園教小朋友畫紙屋,那兒的老師叫他們小心,不要弄到衣服,但過了一陣子,他們一個一個在叫,好像病菌傳播一樣,每個都把顏料弄到身上! 每一次想起都覺得很搞笑。


2) 眾多作品中,你最喜歡那一個?

Jo: Sunset collection, 因為全部都是我真的在不同地方collect 回來的,每一個我都記得!

Li: 喜歡 We are all travellers 動畫,因為會動的畫真的很有趣,而且不是一人能完成的作品,剛好有朋友幫忙錄音、彈吉他、吹口哨才可以完成呢!


3) 黎緊最想做什麼?
Jo: 最想有人每天幫手寄貨和計數。最想一個人在山洞裏畫畫,但都維持到個生意!(妄想)重好想養柴犬!

Li: 想每樣野都做好d (好似無講過野咁)